Foundations West Sussex


Design & Construction Of New Foundations Across West Sussex.

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Design & Construction Of New Foundations Across West Sussex.

Experienced Foundation Experts

Established in 1971, Purkelly Bros have specialised in providing high quality underpinning, piling and reinforced concrete foundations ever since.


Full members of the Association of Specialist .Underpinning Contractors (ASUC+).
Safe contractor and CHAS accredited.

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Get an estimate today by talking to any of our foundation experts.

Experienced Foundation Experts

Established in 1971, Purkelly Bros have specialised in providing high quality underpinning, piling and reinforced concrete foundations ever since.


Full members of the Association of Specialist .Underpinning Contractors (ASUC+). 10 Year Guarantee. Safe contractor and CHAS accredited.

Quick Estimates
Get an estimate today by talking to any of our foundation experts.


Purkelly Bros offers a specialist foundations service for homeowners, advisers, contractors and builders in West Sussex and surrounding areas.

Our experts at Purkelly provide bespoke solutions for homes and other projects across West Sussex. With 50 years’ experience behind us, we have a wealth of experience when it comes to designing foundations where soft ground, shrinkable clays, landfill, soft ground or tree root protection are issues.

Purkelly Bros create detailed engineering drawings and can carry out your exact requirements with minimal disruption to your overall building project.

How can Purkely help?

We will install new piled foundations for commercial properties, multiple housing plots, domestic extensions, boundary walls and front porches. We also offer a wide variety of steel case driven piles and bored piles to help the foundations of your building.

Our fully-qualified engineers work to a strict programme that is arranged with contractors or advisers to efficiently carry out any inspections without delays. Our chartered civil engineer has more than 35 years' experience, which means we have an abundance of knowledge and talent when it comes to working on your project.

We can help specialist advisers and supervising officers, as well as contractors looking to subcontract foundation work, home owners and self builders.

We are a registered member of ASUC (the association of specialist underpinning contractors)

To find out more, get in touch with us today on 01462 431 005.


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